A Seminar for Therapists

Please note that there is an Early Bird cost of $250 if booked and paid before the 10 November 2024.

Health Professional Couples

There are further reductions if  you are a couple – please just enter details for one person and select 1 ticket.  Once you have received confirmation of your booking, please send the details of the second person.

Many couples who come for therapy experience challenges in their sexual relationship, whether or not this is the presenting issue. The erotic charge of the early days has diminished, disappeared or become a source of frustration and conflict that impacts other areas. Many couples don’t know how to talk about sex in ways that enhance their intimate connection. Many therapists struggle to help navigate their couples through this challenging area of their relaTionship for a variety of reasons of their own.

This workshop will offer therapists:


About the Presenters: Sophie Slade is an Imago Relationship Therapist, workshop presenter, senior clinical instructor and clinical psychologist. David Howarth is a regular bloke and retired electrician. He has been assisting Sophie in presenting workshops for over 20 years. Sophie and David have been lovers and life partners for many years and have had to overcome lots of the challenges that so many long-term couples face in their sexual relationships.

The Attuned Therapist is one of the core Advanced courses set by the IITI (Imago International Training Institute). We are fortunate to be able to offer this workshop to our members to not only provide you with the opportunity to progress to an Advanced Therapist (Level 3) but also to help you identify your own reactivity when confronted with reactive couples. The course “explores when and how that shows up in the counseling session sabotaging the entire counseling process. Course participants learn skills to determine their countertransference and stay consciously present with themselves and consciously attuned to their clients in session.” (IITI) The requirements for attending this course are that you have completed the Imago Clinical Training (Module 1). For more information about the course, please refer to the IITI website- The Attuned Therapist.

Association Of Imago Relationship Therapists Australia - AIRTA

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