Getting the Love you Want
A Workshop for Couples
With Julie Cutler and William Vorobioff
Whether you and your partner are seeking to enrich your communication, deepen your connection, have lost your way and want to repair and rebuild your connection or are in some despair with regard to your relationship, you are not alone.
These two day workshops are valuable for any couple, regardless of their age or length of relationship, who are seeking to have a supportive and happy relationship.
Tens of thousands of couples in new and long term relationships worldwide have found help by attending an Imago workshop for couples.
Relationships can be challenging and if you are struggling with yours, this course will enable you to acquire new communication skills and learn the ‘Imago Dialogue’. You will learn to resolve conflicts and recreate intimacy through exercises and exploration of your emotional history.
By the end of the workshop, most couples leave feeling far more positive about their relationship and have skills to help them face the future together.
For more information and to book onto the workshop: https://www.enrichingrelationshipsaust.com/getting-the-love-you-want.html.
“My partner and I attended this workshop fairly early in our relationship and found it allowed us to establish a strong foundation for understanding and communication moving forward. We would recommend this workshop to anyone. K & C”
“The Imago process is the only couples therapy I know that provides a practice to improve connection and quality in intimate relationships. I’m looking forward to moving into an awesome new experience of marriage with my husband. S & P”
“Imago is the only option I have found for marriages and relationships really in need of healing. A & S”