Workshop Presenter Training

Level 4

This course provides Advanced Clinicians with the knowledge and skills to present the Getting the Love You Want workshop. The course is devoted to personal growth work to help the participants move beyond their blocks and limitations to become the most present and connected presenters. It will consist of sharing the theory, illustrating with personal stories, doing brilliant demonstrations, and handling the many challenges of being a first-class Imago workshop presenter. Take your Imago knowledge and experience to a whole new level and experience the joy of presenting this material to couples in a way that inspires them and makes them even more available to take this work home. Think back to your Imago Workshop participation and remember the fantastic effect the presenter had on you. Now it is your chance to give that experience back to others.

This training is about learning the structure of the workshops, lectures, demonstrations, etc., but to discover more of your magnificence as a human being and as a healer. Some Imago therapists have taken this training simply to deepen their understanding of the theory and also to grow more into themselves.

What are the requirements to register for this training?

Admission Requirements

Applicant must have practiced Imago Relationship Therapy as an Imago Relationship Therapist for a minimum of two years post certification. A minimum requirement with regard to advanced training is attendance at Characterological Growth plus two of the other four Core Advanced Trainings (Brilliant at the Basics, Giving and Receiving, From Despair to Repair, The Attuned Therapist). Once the WP Training has been completed, the therapist will, if not already, also automatically be an Advanced Clinician.

NOTE: Because in some regions the WP training is not offered regularly, Imago Relationship Therapists who have not been certified for two years, or who have not attended two advanced trainings may, at the discretion of the Clinical Instructor, enter the WP Training, but will not be certified and able to offer Workshops to the general public until these two requirements (two years post certification and attended Characterological Growth and two other advanced trainings).

The applicant should:

  • Be in good standing with IITI. If the applicant resides in a region where there is an ILO (Imago Local Organization) or IRO (Imago Regional Organization) then they must be a member and in good standing with the region in which they will be offering workshops.
  • Good standing means the members of your ILO will support the presenter as someone who would represent their region well.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from their original Clinical Instructor in the Imago Clinical Training Program.
  • Have participated, or have the intention of participating before Certification, as an assistant at a minimum of four “Getting the Love You Want: Workshop for Couples” led by a Certified Workshop Presenter.

Course Requirements

  • Attend all sessions of the formal training without exception.
  • The first five days is required to be an in-person training.
  • Complete required reading.
  • Organize and lead two GTLYW workshops: These should include couples from the participants’ practice, rather than be advertised and offered to the general public.Workshop 1 – between Sessions 1 and 2
    Workshop 2 – between Sessions 2 and 3
  • Submit video excerpts from each workshop for use in the relevant training sessions.
  • Execute a Workshop Presenter contract with IITI.

Post-Course Requirements

Prior to Certification as a Workshop Presenter, the WP candidate must within 18 months of the formal course:

  • Write and submit a workshop manual to their Clinical Instructor which includes a full text of lectures, description of experiential processes and written exercises.  This is not designed to be innovative, but rather to ensure that you have the material well in hand and at your fingertips.  Feel free to add your own personal illustrations, but don’t take liberties with the outline or material.
  • Lead two (and only two) GTLYW couples workshops until certification. The second workshop must be observed onsite and evaluated by a Certified Clinical Instructor. A positive evaluation by the Certified Clinical Instructor must be submitted to the Course Instructor(s). (Note: The Workshop Presenter Candidate is responsible for the travel expenses of the on-site observer and an honorarium of $500 (or equivalent for the region) for a minimum of five hours of observation). In exceptional circumstances the Clinical Instructor may decide the evaluation could be conducted by zoom.
  • It is also possible, if travel is complicated (health measures or distance), to send to a Certified Clinical Instructor the entire recording of the workshop who will watch, at random, a minimum of 5 hours of recording to be able to certify the workshop presenter. In this case, the evaluation will be done on a Zoom appointment.
  • Submit all participant evaluations from all training workshops to the Course Instructor.>
  • All Workshop Presenters must be current members of their IL0.
  • It is requested that Workshop Presenters stay connected to their ILO with regard to ongoing training.
  • It is highly recommended that presenters attend an update meeting ever two years either at the International Imago Conference, their local Imago workshop presenter’s gathering, or at an IITI sponsored WP update on zoom.

Main Points

This course is designed to prepare the Certified Imago Therapist to present the “Getting the Love You Want” couples workshops. It begins with a five day personal growth segment designed to help the clinician actualize their full potential as a presenter. The participant then offers a small GTLYW workshop between Modules 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, to clients from their practice, which they record and bring to each of the following WP Training 3 day segments.

After This Training, Participants Will Be Able To

  • Represent themselves publicly as Certified GTLYW Workshop Presenters.
  • Have their workshops listed on the IRW and their ILO website.
  • Present up to one day seminars or lectures on Imago Relationship Therapy for education and/or marketing purposes
  • Present one day seminars or lectures to professionals on Imago Relationship Therapy for educational and/or marketing purposes as long as it is clear in all promotional material that the seminar or lecture is educational and is not considered a training or a certification program.
  • Receive information from the inquiry data base for their ILO to market their Workshops and have workshops listed on their ILO website.
  • Have use of IRW’s logo to market the Getting the Love You Want: Workshop.

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